“What goes where” in EUH expansion

Screen Shot 2016-02-01 at 12.00.48 PMAfter consideration of input from various teams representing physicians, nurses, direct support care providers, administrators, and patient and family advisers, the final recommendation for assignment of patient care units to specific levels of the Emory University Hospital J-wing was recently made to the EUH Expansion Program Executive Committee, whose members unanimously approved the recommendation as follows:

– Level 9: Bone Marrow Transplant

– Level 8: Hematology & Medical Oncology

– Level 7: Surgical specialties, including Surgical Oncology, Urology, Gynecology, and Gynecologic Oncology

– Level 6: Solid Organ Transplant (kidney, liver, and pancreas)

– Level 5 (South): Critical Care (Existing 5E ICU to be assigned here)

– Level 5 (North): Unspecified growth

· Level 4: Day hospital

– Level 3: Unspecified growth

– Level 2: Food service and retail

– Level 1: Anesthesia pre-op and imaging

Assignment of patient care units to specific levels of the J-wing is a crucial step, not just for the J-wing, but also for re-programming of current EUH facilities and units. “The next phase of programming, planning, and phasing will occupy much of 2016,” says Bob Bachman, executive director of expansion for the hospital.

About the Author

Emory Department of Medicine
The Department of Medicine, part of Emory University's School of Medicine, promotes excellence in education, patient care, and clinical and basic research.