Faisal Merchant, MD (FAME Grant awardee)
What is your professional background?
I majored in religion at Emory, went to medical school at Duke, then trained in internal medicine and cardiology at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. I completed a cardiac electrophysiology fellowship at Emory and currently practice primarily at Emory University Hospital Midtown.
In which division do you work, and who is your mentor?
I work in the Emory University Division of Cardiology (Cardiac Electrophysiology Section). My clinical mentors include several members of the cardiac electrophysiology group, including Jon Langberg and Angel Leon. I recently started working on some research projects with Leslee Shaw in the Emory Clinical Cardiovascular Research Institute.
Briefly describe your research. Why is it important?
My research interests focus on sudden cardiac death risk stratification, and, in particular, developing methods to identify individuals who are most likely to benefit from implantable defibrillators. I have also recently started working on a prospective study looking at the impact of aging on implantable cardioverter-defibrillator outcomes.
What do you like most about Emory?
Emory provides a very supportive environment that allows primarily clinical faculty, even at a very junior level, to engage in research and academic endeavors.
What is your favorite movie or TV show?
The Sopranos is the best show ever! Currently, I am watching Orange is the New Black on Netflix.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I play golf, very badly. I also enjoy reading, mostly non-fiction, so I really enjoy political biographies.
Related Links
- Nominate a Featured Researcher
- Emory Department of Medicine Research Newsletter (“What’s Up”)
- Emory Department of Medicine – Office of Research
- Emory University Department of Medicine
- Emory FAME Grant
- Dr. Merchant’s faculty profile
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