Hospital Medicine

Division of Hospital Medicine site updates

Atlanta VA Medical Center Scott Steinbach, MD At the Atlanta VAMC, inpatient quality improvement (QI) really came into existence with the birth of the VA Hospital Medicine (VA HM) Section back in 2008. Before that…

Check out the new Emory clinical trials website

Emory is proud to launch a new clinical trials website, which includes easy-to-access information on nearly 1,000 clinical trials that are seeking volunteers. At, potential participants can easily search for trials related to specific health conditions;…

Principles and Practice of Molecular Biology in Medicine

The goal of the Principles and Practice of Molecular Biology in Medicine course is to acquaint postdoctoral research fellows with most common molecular biology techniques that are available for biomedical research and to bring all…

2016 Junior Faculty Development Course faculty

Congratulations to the Department of Medicine faculty selected to participate in the 2016 Junior Faculty Development Course: Kari Esbensen, MD (Hospital Medicine) J. Sonya Haw, MD (Endocrinology, Metabolism and Lipids) Alicia Lyle, PhD (Cardiology) J.P….

2015 Department of Medicine Research Day award winners

Congratulations to this year’s Emory Univerisity Department of Medicine Research Day award winners: Clinical, Quality, and Health Services Research Posters 1st Place: Ho Lim Lee (Renal Medicine) 2nd Place: Salim Hayek, MD (Cardiology) 3rd Place: Carlos del…

Emory Saint Joseph’s in the news

Emory Saint Joseph’s Hospital was recently featured in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution for its use of Structured Interdisciplinary Bedside Rounds (SIBR), which the hospital instituted in a number of units earlier this year. In addition, the…