Title IX training for staff: mandatory and time-sensitive

Dear Emory Staff Members:


Prevention of sexual assault at Emory University is a top priority and incredibly important.  I invite you to join us as we implement the university wide Title IX Training for Staff.  This mandatory Title IX training is an important and critical three year initiative specifically designed for Emory University.  We began in January of this year, and we have already completed training for over 77% of our faculty and any new employees joining our community since that time. Our goal is to engage the entire Emory community in prevention, and ultimately, elimination of sexual violence on our campus.  This is an initial step in that direction and this training will provide you with the essential tools to prevent sexual misconduct, respond to and report such misconduct, improve responses of such misconduct and comply with applicable federal laws.


Please access the training within the next 30 days. The training module will take approximately 45 minutes to complete.  You may leave the course at any time and when you return, the course will open to the last page visited.

To access the course, please log in to Emory’s Learning Management System (“ELMS”) and click on “My Learning.”  The course titled, “Bridges: Building a Supportive Community” will be listed as one of your assigned courses. If you experience issues launching the course, please make sure that your pop-up blockers have been disabled.  Once you click the launch button, a new window will appear with a summary of the course information. After clicking the second launch button, the course content window will appear. If this new window does not appear, please ensure that your popup blocker is either disabled, or that you allow popups from https://elmprod.emory.edu. If you have any questions regarding the Emory Learning Management System, please contact ELMS: https://elmprod.emory.edu.

Mac users please see additional instructions below.  If you experience any further technical difficulty, please contact the Office of Equity and Inclusion (“OEI”) at oei@emory.edu or you may call (404) 727-9867.  Staff members are available to assist you. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly.



If you have previously completed the “EDU: Eliminate Campus Sexual Violence” course, you are not required to complete the “Bridges: Building a Supportive Community” online course.

Also, if you participated in the Campus Climate Survey related to Sexual Assault on our campus, you will still need to complete this training. The Campus Climate survey is a separate initiative.


MAC Users: Please enable the cookies feature on your browser.  See instructions below in the link:

Chrome: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/61416?hl=en

Safari:  http://support/apple/com/kb/PH1719

Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb?enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences


Thank you all for assisting us in this important initiative.  We are committed to keeping our community safe!


Best Regards,



Lynell A. Cadray

Associate Vice Provost

Office of Equity and Inclusion

& University Title IX Coordinator

Emory University

About the Author

Emory Department of Medicine
The Department of Medicine, part of Emory University's School of Medicine, promotes excellence in education, patient care, and clinical and basic research.