George Chang, MD
As part of the annual Emory University School of Medicine (SOM) Faculty Recognitions Week, SOM faculty were asked to nominate members of their departments whose outstanding contributions to Emory and beyond often go unnoticed or unrecognized. Congratulations to George Chang, MD, an assistant professor of medicine in the Division of Cardiology, who has been named the 2017 Department of Medicine “Hidden Gem.” The following quotes are excerpts from the nomination letter submitted on Dr. Chang’s behalf:
- “George’s contributions to the Division of Cardiology and Emory in general have been nothing short of outstanding.”
- “He serves as the leader of the Emory-based cardiologists at Emory Saint Joseph’s Hospital and has helped establish and growing that practice site.”
- “He is an important confidante who his division director can always rely on for a solid opinion regarding a difficult situation. Cardiology has experienced significant successes over the last several years. George has been a major and very quiet contributor to those successes.”
To see the full list of 2017 School of Medicine “Hidden Gems,” visit 2017recognitionsweek.strikingly.com/blog/hidden-gems.
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