J. Richard Pittman, MD
Congratulations to J. Richard Pittman, MD (Division of General Medicine and Geriatrics), who was recently given the 2017 Dean’s Teaching Award by the Emory University School of Medicine.
For the past several years, the School of Medicine has bestowed faculty awards that recognize superior teaching of medical and allied health professions students. Recipients are nominated by colleagues and students and chosen by the Teaching Awards Committee for their dedication to medical student teaching and their many contributions as course directors and mentors.
“A passionate medical educator and proponent of active teaching, Dr. Pittman has been a role model for all of our future doctors – and especially those future internists,” said J. William Eley, MD, MPH, executive associate dean of Medical Education and Student Affairs, Graduate Medical Education, and Continuing Medical Education at the School of Medicine. “His practice includes the use of evidence-based tools and the techniques of motivational interviewing. He is a special clinician-educator who is described as ‘humble, approachable, and a physician who always prioritizes patient care.’”
To read more about this year’s Dean’s Teaching Award honorees, visit http://2017recognitionsweek.strikingly.com/blog/2017-dean-s-teaching-awards.
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