#TeamEmoryMedicine Staff Shoutout: Meghan Lane

Photo of Meghan Lane, Senior Associate Director of Programs, for the Department of Medicine's Office of Education, Staff appreciation frame

From June 10 to June 14, the Emory School of Medicine celebrates Staff Appreciation Week, an annual recognition to thank SOM staff members for their hard work throughout the academic year. In recognition, the School of Medicine has spotlighted some of the exceptional staff members across the school, including DOM’s own, Meghan Lane, Senior Associate Director of Programs.

This spotlight was written and published by the Emory School of Medicine.

What do you love most about your job?
The people I work with! I’m so fortunate to work with a truly collaborative, thoughtful group of individuals.

Describe your path to Emory and your current role.
Like many people who work in graduate medical education, I fell into the field by chance. I was looking for a position in education administration and happened upon a job at a community hospital in Chicago working with medical students and internal medicine residents. When my husband and I moved to Atlanta in 2015, I was so lucky to find a position in the internal medicine residency program at Emory.

What is the most interesting project you’ve worked on in your role?
One of the most impactful and challenging projects I’ve undertaken was the transition of our residents’ schedules from a monthly to a rolling basis. This change allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of our residents’ work and learning patterns at their hospital sites, the intricacies of our curriculum and the staffing requirements at each site. The project was a significant learning experience for me, and I continue to learn and grow from it.

What is one thing you wish others knew about your job/field?
One aspect of my job I wish others knew about is the dynamic nature of a residency program. Our roles are not static; they evolve as the academic year progresses. We are constantly juggling multiple tasks, which can be challenging but also keeps us engaged and on our toes.

From Steve Doney, Administrator of Grady Operations and Education
“The orchestration of a large residency program is indeed a complex endeavor, requiring meticulous coordination and management skills. Meghan’s discreet yet effective management style ensures that the residency program not only meets but exceeds the rigorous standards set by the ACGME. Her proactive pursuit of TAGME certification exemplifies her dedication to professional development and her commitment to the program’s success. Meghan’s contributions are a testament to the critical role that skilled administrators play in the success of complex educational operations within academic medicine. Her efforts have undoubtedly contributed to the program’s ability to navigate and adapt to the evolving landscape of graduate medical education. Meghan’s diligence, principled approach, and amiable nature make her an invaluable asset to the team and a pleasure to work with.”

About the Author

Emory Department of Medicine
The Department of Medicine, part of Emory University's School of Medicine, promotes excellence in education, patient care, and clinical and basic research.

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