Please join the Emory University Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine for the 19th annual Roland H. Ingram, Jr. Lecture, “Lumps, Bumps, Spots, and Shadows: The Scary World of the Pulmonary Nodule,” presented by guest lecturer Gerard A. Silvestri, MD, MS on Thursday, Nov. 9, 2017 at 5:30 p.m. in the Emory Conference Center – Starvine Conference Room.
Dr. Silvestri is the Hillenbrand Professor of Thoracic Oncology and Vice Chair for Faculty Development in the Medical University of South Carolina’s Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine. Download event flyer (PDF)
Dr. Silvestri is a lung cancer pulmonologist with a career dedicated to the evaluation, management, and improvement of outcomes of patients with this most common of malignancies. He began the first multidisciplinary lung cancer clinic in South Carolina. He has developed a national and international reputation in lung cancer, having served for the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) on the Health, Science, and Policy committee. He has lectured as a master clinician in lung cancer for both the ACCP and the American Thoracic Society (ATS) and is the chair of the Thoracic Oncology Network of the ACCP. He currently serves as president of the American Association of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology. To date, he has 198 peer-reviewed journal publications, abstracts, book chapters, and invited commentaries in clinical care and research of lung cancer. He has also recently been elected as president of the American College of Chest Physicians for 2017.
For more information, please contact Linda Howell at (404) 712-8286 or
About Roland H. Ingram, Jr., MD

Roland H. Ingram, Jr., MD
Roland H. Ingram, Jr., MD, a native of Birmingham, Alabama, graduated from Yale University School of Medicine in 1960. Dr. Ingram served his internship at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts (1960-61) and completed his residency at Barnes Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri (1963-64) and Yale-New Haven Hospital, New Haven, Connecticut (1964-65). He performed postdoctoral research work at Yale University School of Medicine (1965-66) and Columbia University (1966-67). He joined the Emory University faculty in 1967 and was named a professor of medicine in 1970.
In 1973, Dr. Ingram returned to Harvard Medical School and was named chief of the Harvard Division of Pulmonary Medicine and the Parker B. Francis Professor of Medicine (1980-89). He was later named a professor of physiology and environmental sciences at the Harvard School of Public Health (1987-89). After serving as a professor of medicine and vice chair at the University of Minnesota (1989-92), he returned to Emory in 1992 as chief of the Department of Medicine at Crawford Long Hospital (now Emory University Hospital Midtown), where he was named the Martha West Looney Professor of Medicine in 1994.
Dr. Ingram received the prestigious Edward Livingston Trudeau Medal from the American Lung Association and the American Thoracic Society (1996). He was also an Honorary Life Delegate of the American Lung Association and an Honorary Life Member of the American Thoracic Society. Although he was recognized by his peers as an outstanding clinician and researcher, Dr. Ingram’s students remember him most for his teaching skills and commitment to the molding of young minds, which was best exemplified by his many teaching awards, including two Golden Apple Awards for Excellence in Teaching from the Emory medical house staff (1992-93 and 1993-94).
Throughout his career, Dr. Ingram provided direction and vision to past and present leaders within the academic pulmonary community, having served as director of training programs and pulmonary divisions at two institutions: Brigham and Women’s Hospital (1973-1989) and Emory University (1968-73; 1991-97). He received numerous awards for his research focused on the pathophysiology of asthma and other airway diseases. His distinguished research led to the publication of more than 150 peer-reviewed research articles as well as more than 140 other scientific publications, including review articles, editorials, and book chapters.
Dr. Ingram was an invaluable contributor to the Emory University Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine and to the Emory University School of Medicine. As an enduring acknowledgment of his commitment to excellence in teaching, patient care, and research, Emory established the Roland H. Ingram, Jr. Lecture in 1999. Each year, this lectureship invites a distinguished physician to share expertise in the clinical investigation and basic science of lung disease. This activity and others serve not only to remind us of Dr. Ingram’s extraordinary contributions to the art and science of medicine, but also to advance the academic mission of the division.
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