Articles by Emory Department of Medicine

Join us for Celebratory Grand Rounds on June 21

Please join the Emory University Department of Medicine for Celebratory Grand Rounds, where we will announce our 2016 Faculty Award winners. Each year, faculty are nominated for Department of Medicine Faculty Awards in recognition of their outstanding contributions. Nominations…

Educator Spotlight: Kari Esbensen, MD

Meet Division of Hospital Medicine clinician-educator Kari Esbensen, MD. Esbensen is the mother of two daughters, an internist, a bioethicist, and a hospice and palliative medicine physician. She completed her MD, PhD (philosophy and bioethics), and…

EQUiPPED: Enhancing Quality of Provider Practices for Older Adults in the Emergency Department

The Enhancing Quality of Provider Practices for Older Adults in the Emergency Department (EQUiPPED) project is an interdisciplinary quality improvement initiative that focuses on using education, “geriatricized” medication order sets, and other clinical tools to reduce medication-related…

Emory Global Health Residency Scholars Program finale

The Global Health Residency Scholars Program (GHRSP), (co-sponsored by the Emory University School of Health and Emory’s Rollins School of Public Health), was established in 2012 and includes a year-long curriculum (consisting of monthly lectures, seminars, and…

Educator Spotlight: Ram Subramanian, MD

Ram Subramanian, MD (Division of Digestive Diseases) immigrated to the United States from New Delhi as a teenager and completed his undergraduate education, medical education, and residency training at the University of Chicago. He completed a hepatology fellowship at…